Summers here, we finally get to start our club

ok- to those in the lounge way back when, ive picked my book for book club. anyone who wasnt, you should join the very informal book club and read the book too, because then we can all chat about it later
mine is
Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit
by Daniel Quinn
im having a bit of trouble finding it in the mcgill library- mainly because i dont know how to use that muse thing or whatnot, but if we cant find it, then ill change later. hopefully thats not the case
this is my first message thing, very excited that i was able to handle it
yuli, mr handsome, l-wave and I are picking the other books (post them when you know!)
there will be 5 books to read over the summer. we will all regroup and discuss in september
I have chosen my book and have just begun reading it. It is
Seven Years in Tibert
by Heinrich Harrer. The true story of a german alpinist emprisonned in India by the British at the onset of WWII, his escape and ensuing encounters in Tibet. I have two copies so I may lend one now and the one I am reading when I am done with it.
I will be lending the nice copy of 7a in Tibet to AK. To the others: you snooze, you lose. Don't you know to check the blog every hour?
My novella of choice will be
The Unbearable Lightness of Being
by Milan Kundera
and apparently others like it as well, due to mid teen ranking on favourite books on facebook.
senor bahama
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I'm not sure what book to include... I've had a hard time choosing because I can't have read the book I want to share.
One that I've been meaning to read for a while is:
Beautiful Losers by Leonard Cohen.
I'm not sure if it'll be great, but it'll be an adventure. When it came out, the Globe and Mail newspaper described it as "verbal masturbation." Is that good or bad?
in any case, it's always nice to try something new.
i've 'started' to read beautiful losers by leonard cohen (i had a mini obsession of his poetry/music because i did my grade 12 english project on him)... i have to admit it's 'weird..' i didn't finish it, and i really don't know where he was going with it, but i guess i will have to try and read it again!!
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