Stop wasting!
To all people who blow your noses in paper tissues, please consider the damage you are imposing on our forests, especially if you buy Kleenex brand (Kimberly-Clark) who are clear-cutting the Borealis forest of Canada (they also own Huggies, Scott, and others).
You can use a cloth napkin, a torn of piece of an old pyjama (as I am doing) or purchase cotton handkerchiefs from the Greenpeace on-line store and help them in their effort to fight Kleenex and other causes worldwide! Join me in the crusade!
While I am at it, one time use things are always bad. Swiffer?!?! Please tell me none of you have fallen for it. Same for tampons, diapers, paper towels, Styrofoam (harder to avoid) and plastic forks (just carry one around and re-use it).
Captain Planet
You can use a cloth napkin, a torn of piece of an old pyjama (as I am doing) or purchase cotton handkerchiefs from the Greenpeace on-line store and help them in their effort to fight Kleenex and other causes worldwide! Join me in the crusade!
While I am at it, one time use things are always bad. Swiffer?!?! Please tell me none of you have fallen for it. Same for tampons, diapers, paper towels, Styrofoam (harder to avoid) and plastic forks (just carry one around and re-use it).
Captain Planet

we can't all avoid tampons and other disposable female products... some of us aren't suited for the alternative method...
everything else sounds cool, but i would avoid the topic of feminine hygene products...
Yeah! Commercials try to condition us to find all things other than their disposable products disgusting. What?! Wash and re-use a cloth to clean my counter? That is gross!!! Quick to the Lysol quickwipe! What, not brush my teeth from morning to evening? I need those stupid-ass listerine breath pocket-pack tapes packaged in 5 times their weight in plastic! And then the consumer starts believing it whereas there is nothing disgusting about reusing things and not having a mint breath at every second.
P.S. Perhaps not all can avoid disposable fem. hyg. prod's but many can and should.
Exactly what IS the alternative to disposable 'feminine hygiene products?' I heard that native american women used to use a wad of moss; maybe the next eps girls' night could be a moss-gathering trek on mount royal!
the alternative is the little cup you stick up has a name but i don't remember it... it might actually be called the cup.
in any case, in a perfect world every woman could wear it, but it's not... it doesn't fit everyone.
i guess as long as we make responsible choices and think before we use, we've done our part
Actually, if you really cannot avoid using disposable products, like toilet paper. At least everyone can make the effort to buy the brand that used recycled paper and that make products that are ancient forest friendly.
Here is a link where you can find the friendly companies:
The name of the little cup is the keeper. Moss is fine too though ;).
But seriously they also make washable panty-liners. They are a bit thick so not great if you are wearing a miniskirt or extra-tight jeans but otherwise fine.
Disposable products, no one can't really avoid. However what we can avoid is getting them from primary forests, a k a our boreal forest, the only forest that extends pretty much all around the globe, nearly continuously from Norway to Nfld via Siberia, not without key influences on our climate.
While Kimberly Clark is one of the bad companies, a local company, Cascades, is among the best. Source : Greenpeace.
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