Will Kent graduate?
After discussion in the ugrad lounge, some us figured that it was possible to keep kent around.. if he went to the min dep exam, wrote his name and handed in a blank exam. Domino effect ensues: 0% on final, fails min dep, doesn't meet requirements to graduate, forced by dbakes to take min dep again... in 2 years!
So if you are kent's real friend, well...I guess...make sure he's unable to write anything?
So if you are kent's real friend, well...I guess...make sure he's unable to write anything?

I'm in! I'll create a diversion!!
Cocotte Kent-Stays-Until-We-Are-Ready-To-Let-Him-Go Supporter
Kent stays until he admits he's the greatest hockey player never to play for the Stoners.
In other news, good luck on your exam Kent, we're all behind you.
two more years!
do it!
ak- supporter of everyone not graduating on time (that means all of the rest of you who think you are graduating in june too, im so not into it......)
aw, thanks for the support everybody! with all of your help, i think i can pull through this one and get a 0 on the mindep final!
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