Sunday, May 21, 2006

a dogs life

i sat tonight, smoking a cigar, drinking some wine, reflecting on my dog. this is what ive learnt.

1. loyalty and faithfulness. what is more evident in a dog than that. standard cliches about how faithful a dog is come to mind, but i cant quite remember them, so something about how a dog always stands by her master will suffice.

2. a dog is never happier than when the pack is together. a dog values her loved ones more than anything else, with the obvious exception of bacon wrapped steaks.

3.dogs dont enjoy dramatics. they dont do things for any kind of theatre style value, no movieish qualities impress them.

4. dogs do not care what you look like. dogs love the ugly and the beautiful caring more about how they are treated. ok some might say dogs go by smell anyway, but on that note they arent fooled by perfume or cologne, in fact they only seem to be irritated by it.

5. never, ever, pet a dog that is shedding its winter coat, and then pick up your cigar and have a puff. enless you enjoy the oh-so-pleasant taste of dog hair. this is the most important thing i have learnt tonight. oh and drinking wine right afterwards will on proceed to deposit said hair in your wine, further compounding an already unfortunate situation.

ok thats all ive learnt tonight.

by the next time i post ill be standing upside down with respect to the rest of you.



Blogger A Geologist said...

Collo!! To the others, its an joke from Will Ferrell in SNL when he is a college student. He abbreviates peoples's names and stuff to make fun of us!! He calls Colin Quinn: Collo, colonial footsoldier!

Nice thoughts about you dog, BJ. Oh man, i hadn't even realised that your nickname initials were that. 'Bubba's [prez Clinton] cool cause he just out looking for a BJ. Collo!!'


12:20 p.m.  

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