hey everybody!
fraser and i have ALSO successfully reached mexico! (where are you, marie-claude? we should all party in a hotel room somewhere!) we´ve been here about a month now, looking for evidence of subduction-erosion in oligocene-aged granites. granites? yes, granites. not very exciting, but maybe mexican granite is more exciting than canadian granite. maybe.
it´s hot as hell, but we´re doing most of our work along the coast or down rivers, so whenever we´re hot we just jump in the water (and our clothes are dry after 5 minutes). the rivers and landscapes are BEAUTIFUL, but the most exciting thing is all the awesome animals! i have some frog in the roof of my room, fraser has a giant iguana in his, and there are TONS of geckos! we also see lots of butterflies and tropical birds, but at least the scorpion count is only 2 and the singular tarantula appearance was made by a little baby (aww, so cute!).
anyway, i thought i´d check in with my fraser-granite news. i hope you´re all having wonderful summers, wherever you are, and i´ll see you in august!
Kerry (not anonymous)
Michelle Campbell (aka The Chinchilla) and I are in Colima (South of guadalajara, and if you follow the coast north from aca pulco, you´ll see it. it´s the smallest state).
We´re working at the university of colima with the volcano observatory. bummed out today cause we were suppose to go out in the field, but forecast calls for a tropical storm...booooooo
we must meet up. how long are you down there for???
There´s a gheko in our house. we named her Izabella (though she may be 14 ghekos, we´ll keep on believing there´s only one in our house)
marie-claude aka the pinecone
wow, that sounds awesome! do you guys speak much spanish, or can you get by without it? are you working near mount Popo-something, or is that in another part of the country?
fraser is down here until late september, but i´ll be leaving in the beginning of august. we´re staying in Puerto Angel, which i think is about 7-8 hours east along the coast from Acapulco. so....that´s pretty far away. we´re not going up that way at all, and when fraser drives me back to Mexico City we´re driving through Oaxaca, not Acapulco. anyway, let me know what you think.
hope you´re suriving the heat!
p.s. it´s now up to 3 scorpion sightings. (aiee!)
Well we have beavers and dragonflies and bald-headed eagles and i saw a deer with big fuzy antlers swim by my island today!
Yeah Ontario!!
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