just for you, louis...

Taken yesterday in Vancouver outside my parents house. It's -7C with a windchill of -15C, it's sunny, the skies are crystal clear, there is an inch layer of ice on the ground, tree boughs have squashed my bus stop (and me, almost!), bus routes are cancelled, the water is just barely drinkable, the mountains are heavenly white, and all you hear is the thrill of emergency vehicles throughout the night rushing and skidding to get to incompetent drivers. If I were missing Montreal before, I don't anymore. It's brilliant!
...The best part is that this much snow is actually a non-issue in Montreal. If Vancouver pretty much shuts down from 4 inches of snow, imagine what 2 feet is doing! Still, the upsides far exceed that of the down... for example, some fantastic snowball fights have been happening on the beach.
I miss you too,
GAAAAAAAAAABBBBBBBBBYYYYYYYYYYYYY I WISH I WAS HOME TOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. It's 15 degrees out here and almost sunny. why oh why didn't I wear my shorts??!?!?!?!!
Thanks for the update! Yay! :)
I miss it.
I don't like the "in between" period...half-autumn, half-winter. It's like living in a zombie town.
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