Mes vaches me dise "tu"
Sometimes montreal can be so damn complicated.

And yet, here I sit, with a view of the river they call South Saskatchewan from the biggest building in sight wishing I had flunked my last final exam. I think I'll call room service and ask them to send a few violinists to my hotel room.
I'll see you all very soon! Take care,

And yet, here I sit, with a view of the river they call South Saskatchewan from the biggest building in sight wishing I had flunked my last final exam. I think I'll call room service and ask them to send a few violinists to my hotel room.

I'll see you all very soon! Take care,
Kent, that is the saddest thing I have ever heard...!! Damn you. What are you trying to do.. make us cry?
There's still hope! Maybe you DID fail mindep after all!!
and isotopes to fail too.....
we can bank on isotopes, maybe you failed that take home exam
just kidding, hope all is well in sk/bc
Saskatchewan, tu nous as pris Kent!
J'espère bien que tu t'amuseras là-bas, avec la campagne pis les vaches qui te disent tu!
Don't forget our conversation in Québec City!
I want you to come back right now. NOW. Imagining you in that hotel room, without us to bother you, just isn't right...
I'll be sure to play foosball extra hard while pretending i'm you, to make sure your winning streak continues.
Please come back soon,
Blue eyes
It brings to mind a certain crying masturbation scene!
Ok Im with everybody to Louis. Damn it louis, must you drag this into the dirt. Your sick and i love you.
Nah for real though, word. Ive heard the south saskatchewan is beautiful this time of year, and it wasnt so bad when i flew over it. By the way, on my flight I might a grunt at the Uranium mines, hmmm he was friendly enough, but he terrified me in my extremely hungover state. could not handle him well, kept trying to tell him the prairies were musical, he just couldnt see the music (did i say hungover, obviously meant still drunk).
Anyway take care Kent, well see each other soon enough (Wink Wink)
what does he mean does anybody know
ps. 5 mins ago i alsmot signed up for facebook. whew that was close.
Well, crying and masterbating, listening to roomservice violinists and looking out the window over the south saskatchewan all at the same time was not really what I had in mind, but basically sums up my visit to saskatoon. To tell you the truth, I couldn't be happier to be out in Vancouver at this point (despite the disruptive crying fits) since job prospects are booming and i'm meeting Gabbro for lunch tomorrow. I encourage all of y'all to make your various ways out to the coast of coasts and live it up rolling in benjamins. With that said, I'll see everyone soon whether you think so or not, whether you like it or not, and we'll all talk rocks (short for EPS gossip). Meanwhile I'll go help Gabbro with her stoned wheat thins gingerbread house... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. take care,
kd, kmac, kentaro, kentsworth, muscles and perhaps even kenty kenterson.
You forgot
"Kenty MacMadhockeyskills"
He's not kidding about the disruptive crying fits. I think that his caterpillar roll and my dragon roll were both trying to writh their way around the falling tears, with the caterpillar curling to safety in the giant mound of yakisoba and the dragon NEARLY dodging the bombs of tears. It ddin't make it, sadly.
Anyway, apart from the salty saturated soggy sushi, I agree with the kmac. Come out to Vancouver. Come! Come! Oh shit, I'm so drunk...
Whoa, is it just me or was Jonathan's comment pretty hard to understand? You have some mysterious 3rd persons in there.
Its pretty funny that there is drunk posting on here, it makes it hard to follow. But maybe its me who is tired and hung over, I got home at 9am this morning and took little nap till 2pm! And the Coldplay is keeping me in a weird daze.
Merry Christmas and much love to my brothers and sisters.
no, i didn't understand it either thanks to jonny's typing skiillllllllzzz
ps: gabby? you got drunk without me? hopefully not at the party I got us invited to...
I'm the mysterious third person Louis, I was sort of typing with my eyes closed and forgot to sign it.
Kent? What party? I got drunk and watched the stone wheat thin house get eaten by this guy who I have only met twice. He's in my list of top ten people of the moment. Seriously, you can talk him into doing ANYTHING.
fuck, i forgot to sign again,
no i mean there is a 3rd person singular masculine in Jonathan's text.
meow drinking and blog posts don't mix...
Wow guys, I would like to congradulate on what is possibly the most confusing sequence of blogs. It shows how we can't function when we think about how much we miss you Kenty Kenterson (I knew you would warm up to that name).
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