WoW, this is so much better

Guys, does it seem like there are two book clubs running rampart? I don't know if I want to read 7 books for one book club and 7 books for another. I propose that we all come together in the World of Warcraft in place of one of the book clubs. We can form guilds, band together, storm Silvermoon in a raid, and grind till we get to Level 70. Maybe we'll even each get an Epic Mount.
Plus! We'll get to talk to each other too.
What say you? (In any case, I will only be part of one book club... join me and my geeky Vancouver friends at your own risk... Yes, I will have yielded to the temptation by then)
I was once badly addicted to my young teenage years... I have never played online, and it'll be so hard to Australia...i can't be addicited to it again
Why make new friends when you can just just hang out with your old ones in a magical mystical world with ogres and knights?
I play BF2, BFV, Black and White, Enemy Territory, Starcraft, but I've always managed to resist the tentation of WoW! I didn't know somebody in the department played that game!
And a girl too.
How good is it by the way? Maybe I'll play when I'll get a job...
I meant rampant, not rampart. But whatev. OMGZWTF
Oh Alex, you have no idea how many hot Azn girls I know play WoW.
Marie-Claude, if you join WoW AND facebook, you'll never have a life again :P And think about the advances in graphics since you were in your young teenage years. *drool* so pretty...
no one is forcing you to be part of 2 book clubs don't make it seem like a curse!!
no comment on the WoW. please don't make me play up north.
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