Hey, short notice annouce here. Monday the 29th we are doing Dollar Tacos at Carlos and Pepe's! I don't know what time, we will have to perfect the plan on telephone or on comments made to this entry. How about like 7 or something.
-Sombrero Taco Beer
P.S. Taco beer man sez cafe campus the next day?
Oh Louis, don't be mad at me, you said you'd send out an e-mail but seeing nothing posted by midnight-ish yesterday, i decided to write one out. And no, you're definitely not the only 10 pm-er out there.
I don't like having a frozen mouth. But it sure is fun to poke my upper lip and cheek.
no hard feelings gabby, ;)
Does anyone out there owe me beers? I think so. I'll be collecting!
Dave didn't come cause he knew he owed me beers!! i shouln't have said anything, I'll get you dave!
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