
hello EPS bloggers and bloggees,
Just wanted to update you guys on my current status in Vancouver. I am working for a mineral exploration company in their downtown office and it is very cushy and sweet. It is a typical office with a lot of men, some female accountants, a cute secretary, an asian computer tech and a gopher... me. The guys went to all you can eat sushi today (10 bucks baby), but I had to decline, because I had a lunch date with Claude, an EPS alumni/veteran. She also has a sweet office job with BHP, except while I'm liable to get laid off at any second, her contract is temporally indefinite. Lets all just hope gold prices rise again. I hope I'll see you all in September in Montreal, have fun at your fancy sandwich bars in the meantime,
Just how cute of a secretary??
someone's jealoussssss ooooouuuuuu
well, there's no way she's cuter than me anyway, so it's okay.
hey you, muscles, i miss you
aa! who said that! and i'm not jealous, i'm "politely curious."
:P It was your partner in crime who said that.
yeah i have to admit i figured it was you... AhHA! And i like "muscles" teehee!
who said it was a she. anyways, she's so cute i suggest addressing her in an alphanumeric message as follows: UR2 cute. But lets be serious, you can't beat EPS girls.
So am I to assume that muscles is Kent? Did I miss some kinky development here?
go monkey, go!
that's not an assumption, that's a given
Noooo! There's only one who deserves an alphanumeric description of cuteness, and that is...........Mr Cuddles!! Ah yes, mr cuuuddles, you're so cute. He's even cuter than a pile of cute puppies, which would be pretty cute.
muscles used to be an inside joke i guess... but it came out... i didn't think it would be a big deal
inside joke?!? like inside the bedroom!?! ... thats what i thought, kinky!
give it up collo!!
a pile of puppies! i would shriek and smother them with love
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