Have you seen this rabbit stampeding?
Straight from the front page of the Calgary Post (as I imagine it):
"A rabbit going by the name 'Michelle Deakin,' and with a face to match, has once-more foiled long-time stampeder and avid gold seeker Yosemite Sam. Mr. Sam was planning on competing for 'Oiliest Stampeder,' a position only the filthly-richiest calgarians can dream of. Given this latest turn of events (portrayed below based on witness accounts), it seems Miss Deakin has a master-rabbit-minded plan of her own... though we're not really sure what that is as she was hesitant to make any comments to the press at the moment."
"A rabbit going by the name 'Michelle Deakin,' and with a face to match, has once-more foiled long-time stampeder and avid gold seeker Yosemite Sam. Mr. Sam was planning on competing for 'Oiliest Stampeder,' a position only the filthly-richiest calgarians can dream of. Given this latest turn of events (portrayed below based on witness accounts), it seems Miss Deakin has a master-rabbit-minded plan of her own... though we're not really sure what that is as she was hesitant to make any comments to the press at the moment."

So, Miss Deakin, as your first Stampede draws to a close, how was it? Was it everything you dreamed of?
Did it rock your world?
-Fellow Albertan
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