Monday, November 12, 2007

"It was Huge!"

Associated Press

- While the Saskatchewan Roughriders were playing the Calgary Stampeders for the title of Western Conference semi-finalists, another sporting event of equal magnitude was taking place at the McConnell Arena in Montreal.
The Stoners came back from a 1-0 deficit to win the game 3-2 in front of the largest crowd they have managed to dupe into coming to watch them play this season.
"It was huge," said right-winger Jonathan "David 'Bahama' Clark" Hanson in the dressing room after the game. Asked for his comments about the team's second victory of the season captain Louis "Love-Wave" Cohalan simply stated "it was huge!"
Rookie goalie Rowan Forster played a huge role in last night's victory making huge saves throughout the game.
"The Stoners actually had many shots on goal," commented sports analyst Hugh Jass, "that usually doesn't happen."
"This team of rag-tag losers really pulled-off the impossible," he continued, "no one in their right mind could ever seriously have considered that they could actually manage to skate down the rink and score a goal against any somewhat competent goalie."
"I knew we could do it!" said a Red-Bull infused Love-Wave. "I popped a few Advils to cure the hang-over and downed 80 mg of caffeine: I was gold! It was huge!"

Some of the game's highlights included a quick turnover and breakaway by renegade centerman Will Sun which resulted in the evenings most beautiful goal. Defenseman Jonathan "Unit" Menivier brilliantly stopped a 2 on 1 by swinging his stick with his enormous reach and batting the puck clear off the ice.

The game allowed the Stoners to no longer be the lowest scoring team in the league, although, to be fair, the only team with less goals played one fewer game and is only two goals behind and are the worst team, with zero victories.

The Stoners play their next game against the Katabatikillerz on Friday November 16th at 10:30pm