Friday, August 25, 2006

Fiend on the loose

This individual has been terrorising sheep, dogs, right wing conservatives and sour gummy worms for some months now, and must be stopped.

Look at his mating practices. Windmills, has he no decency

And look at him torturing thi poor ewe.

and now im going to leave with dancing with anyone.

ps. back in the big R. word.

See everybody soon

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Alternatives to Geology

Two Canadian girls in Mexico have been denied field work lately. Tired of sitting at computers all day, we can only assume they have found other ways to pass their time. Into the darkness, they have ventured to have a taste of the non-geology related "real world".

Ms Campbell was frolicking at a bar with 3 floors named after a crustacean of some sort. We think she has joined a gang of drunken pseudo-bikers. We wish her all the best.

Ms Hébert shifted her rockstardom focus from rocks, to rock. She was last seen jamming in a near empty bar with two mexicans. Rock on.

Perhaps non-geology is fun too... we'll never really know...

Friday, August 11, 2006

Tundra Sweet Tundra

post apocalyptic tundra scene

Wanted to let you all know that we're alive and well up here in Ungava. I myself endured a steaming hot week back in montreal... then it was out of the frying pan and into the icebox. Luckily we've hit some good weather, it must be Karma finally paying me back for years of selflessness... but no more, Goldbrook will see to it that I return to McGill a bitter undergrad. Until then, keep it real,


Village People dance to appease the helicopter gods
Comfy pillows
Inukshuk holding stone beverage
"touch IT"

Sunday, August 06, 2006

almost home


the farm episode of my life has now been completed, and i am on the homeword journey. im travelling with some scruffy do-no-gooders known as the familia hanson, and we are visiting other members of our oddly mafia like extended family.

It was lambing season before i left, and michelle, you should see the one named michelle, oh what a beauty. Cute little pikers, sad to konw that will not even life to experience the beauty of copulation. No creature should die until it has had sex.

I will post some pictures whenever i gert around to it, or show you all sometime.

kiwilly yours


Hello Pagan friends (that's devilk-worshipers to you christians)!
Tomorrow is lughnasad, the half-way point between the summer solstice and the autumnal equinox. So make your sacrifices to The Mighty Lugh! A simple libation should do.
Also, happy birthday to my fellow likely descendant of northern european pagans Michelle 'the Scot' Campbell

-Louis 'mix of huguenot and pagan christian ancestry' Cohalan

Out of Africa

Saturday, August 05, 2006

ive emerged from the woods

Friday, August 04, 2006






Thursday, August 03, 2006

Gabby is being social, for once

Pictures from the Arctic. I forgot that most of you don't have facebook and therefore were not aware that this existed. I'm sorry! I have gotten lazy since being back in Montreal and therefore have not added any pictures in a while. Still, this is a compilation of pictures taken by Yuliana, Kent, a couple Daves and myself. Enjoy!
