Short Review
Hey everyone, it is blog season again. We are starting our 3rd year, Happy Birthday Blog.
Bernardo, you need to address some rumours about coming back to Montreal.
Folks, just post some stuff while we are all away from each other during the summer and who knows for how long. Alice and Alexandre, I know you will post, but the others too. (e-mail me if you need instructions on how to do it)
Hummm... What story do the pictures on my cell phone tell? Let's unload 'em!

We start in december in style on Hollywood boulevard.

Jon writes naked, probably some erotic poetry or something depraved like that... sicko!

Dave doesn't feel too well in Morelia so we go to the zoo without him. Dave you missed the neurotic Polar Bear aimlessly scratching at fake ice, his instincts driving him mad!
Ah, the VRANS shoes, proud sponsor of the VRANS Warped Tour with the Arcade Friar, Coldpay, The Slashing Pumpkins and JAY-B.

We watch Lucho Libre in Mexico City
The police shop for pirated DVDs in Mexico City just outside the Lucho Libre arena.

Boz Wing Doppleganger sighted at house party in Tegucigalpa. Many photos taken secretly. I wish cell phone cameras were quieter!

DJ Tricky Dick gets fucked up on a mysterious hallucinogenic Andean mango-like fruit and we babysit him for a half-day.
Then I go to work in a single engine plane in the Canadian North.
Gemma day dreams of her dream job of driving around a giant machine. Photo taken at the Lachine Canal.
Then I go to a concert and stand front row to the Besnard Lakes. w00t, w00t! Humm, looks like he is just tuning a guitar there. In retrospect, not so exciting.
Last known picture of Michelle, taken 05/10/2008... looking like a total dork!!
Bernardo, you need to address some rumours about coming back to Montreal.
Folks, just post some stuff while we are all away from each other during the summer and who knows for how long. Alice and Alexandre, I know you will post, but the others too. (e-mail me if you need instructions on how to do it)
Hummm... What story do the pictures on my cell phone tell? Let's unload 'em!
We start in december in style on Hollywood boulevard.
Jon writes naked, probably some erotic poetry or something depraved like that... sicko!
Dave doesn't feel too well in Morelia so we go to the zoo without him. Dave you missed the neurotic Polar Bear aimlessly scratching at fake ice, his instincts driving him mad!
We watch Lucho Libre in Mexico City
Boz Wing Doppleganger sighted at house party in Tegucigalpa. Many photos taken secretly. I wish cell phone cameras were quieter!
DJ Tricky Dick gets fucked up on a mysterious hallucinogenic Andean mango-like fruit and we babysit him for a half-day.