A little hello from Australia!
Here are a few photos of neat things in Oz:
Some cool cliffs at Penguin Island just off the coast. It's a really neat island about 1km from the mainland. When the tides are low in the morning, people walk there... It's funny to watch them walk back in the evening when the tide's gone up... What people go through to avoid paying 4$ to take a ferry, I tell ya!:
Lilly the Kangaroo (can I hear a "SOOOO CUTTTEEEEE" Michelle Campbell style?). She was rescued by a driller who took her to a hotel when she was just a baby. The lady who works at the bar of the hotel raised her (bottle fed her and everything). Now, Lilly is all grown up (seen here eating a corn stalk) but there's no way she's leaving! She's got the life!:
Light saber fighting on the beach on New Year's Eve. Awesome:
From left to right: Return of the Jedi Luke, Mace Windu and Obi-Wan:
Little Beach = Paradise, Mate!
An amazing sunset viewed from our apartment in Fremantle:
Three Canucks celebrating Australia day...with bicycle helmets
A penguin from penguin island (again, SOOOO CUTTTEEEEE) he's onnly about 25cm tall:
And that's all for now folks!!!
Things are swell here. It's been over 30C for about 3 months now. The beach life is treating us well. So come on over, the water is fine.