Wednesday, November 29, 2006
thank you you tube, and thank you tony danza for providing me with about half an hour of agonizing laughter and slow motion action of this must see footage.Tony Danza Flips a Go-Kart.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
just for you, louis...

Taken yesterday in Vancouver outside my parents house. It's -7C with a windchill of -15C, it's sunny, the skies are crystal clear, there is an inch layer of ice on the ground, tree boughs have squashed my bus stop (and me, almost!), bus routes are cancelled, the water is just barely drinkable, the mountains are heavenly white, and all you hear is the thrill of emergency vehicles throughout the night rushing and skidding to get to incompetent drivers. If I were missing Montreal before, I don't anymore. It's brilliant!
...The best part is that this much snow is actually a non-issue in Montreal. If Vancouver pretty much shuts down from 4 inches of snow, imagine what 2 feet is doing! Still, the upsides far exceed that of the down... for example, some fantastic snowball fights have been happening on the beach.
I miss you too,
Alors a ce qu'il parait, les Québécois forment une nation.
Mais qu'est-ce ca veut dire? Nous sommes une nation, au sein d'une nation, mais nous restons quand meme une province, appartenant a une nation. Mais ce n'est pas le Québec qui est une nation, mais plutot les Québécois, en faisant référence a tous les colons canadiens-francais tout en gardant la possibilité d'inclure le Québécois d'origine non québécoise ce qui, par extension, exclu la possibilité d'un "nationalisme ethnique" et aaaaaAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!
"Moé, j't'un Canadien francais, Québécois, un Canadien d'Amérique du Nord, d'origine francaise Francaise!" -Elvis Gratton
"Etes-vous fier d'etre Québécois?", qu'ils nous demandent.
J'le sais plus tellement...
Sunday, November 26, 2006
something to keep in mind.
I had a friend whose birthday fell smack dab on December 25th. A day where she had to share opening up Christmas gifts wrapped along side her birthday gift. I’m sure Jimmy Buffett doesn’t like it that much either sharing his day with the celebration of the coming of Jesus. How can you top that attention? It would be similar to following Robin Williams at a comedy gig. What a hard act to follow.
So I stress to every man and woman engaged in the act of, whether it’s on purpose or accidental, sex, intercourse or just plain whoopee on March 25th is strictly forbidden. Give or take 10 days before or after as well.
Don’t put your child through the psychological nightmare or sharing their birthday with Jesus Christ.
There are just some things you have to think about. Don’t you?
So I stress to every man and woman engaged in the act of, whether it’s on purpose or accidental, sex, intercourse or just plain whoopee on March 25th is strictly forbidden. Give or take 10 days before or after as well.
Don’t put your child through the psychological nightmare or sharing their birthday with Jesus Christ.
There are just some things you have to think about. Don’t you?
Double Header

On Tuesday November 28th both the Tuff Schists and the Stoners are playing their last games of 2006. Unfortunately not quite one after the other as the title of this entry suggested. Rather with 2 other games in between!
The Tuff schists play the first-place Cougars at 6:30 pm whereas the Stoners battle the team just ahead of themselves in the standing at 9:30 pm.
What a night!

Saturday, November 25, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Happy Bernardo?
Now our blog can remind you of home.
Il est rose, alors notre blog est plus beau. :P
Il est rose, alors notre blog est plus beau. :P
Stop wasting!
To all people who blow your noses in paper tissues, please consider the damage you are imposing on our forests, especially if you buy Kleenex brand (Kimberly-Clark) who are clear-cutting the Borealis forest of Canada (they also own Huggies, Scott, and others).
You can use a cloth napkin, a torn of piece of an old pyjama (as I am doing) or purchase cotton handkerchiefs from the Greenpeace on-line store and help them in their effort to fight Kleenex and other causes worldwide! Join me in the crusade!
While I am at it, one time use things are always bad. Swiffer?!?! Please tell me none of you have fallen for it. Same for tampons, diapers, paper towels, Styrofoam (harder to avoid) and plastic forks (just carry one around and re-use it).
Captain Planet
You can use a cloth napkin, a torn of piece of an old pyjama (as I am doing) or purchase cotton handkerchiefs from the Greenpeace on-line store and help them in their effort to fight Kleenex and other causes worldwide! Join me in the crusade!
While I am at it, one time use things are always bad. Swiffer?!?! Please tell me none of you have fallen for it. Same for tampons, diapers, paper towels, Styrofoam (harder to avoid) and plastic forks (just carry one around and re-use it).
Captain Planet

Monday, November 20, 2006

This is a great website you should check out. There is a series of 6 episodes. I just saw the first so far but it is really well done, kinda artsy like an indie movie. Its Demetri Martin's website. The home page is just him as a drawing ranting and its really funny too(if you like that stuff). Lots to explore.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Têtes à Claques

Check out these hilarious videos. Their popularity exploded recently when the creators were interviewed on Radio-Canada last week-end. As a result you have to endure a few adds but its worth it. They are in French. They are all good but allow me to suggests the one with the mooses, the halloween one and the Willi Waller, oh, and On sort part 2 (and part 1!) and the airplane one. Damn they are all good!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Ah dammit! We had to choose a post-2000 article for isotope! Good thing I checked before typing mine up. But damn just the same!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Louis comments today's slew of e-mails
Yo yo, listen up! open your ear to some wisdom amd replies!
Flu shots: think about it before injecting yourself with poison. Do you want to give 25$ to a pharmaceutical company to invade your temple? No you don't!
Kent, maybe someone loved your art so much they took it down to appreciate it. It is still reprehensible but it would not be inspired by sly tactics of winning the contest.
Now we know that Amarryllis is neither a shelled mammal nor an almond flavoured spirit nor a sexually transmitted disease but a flower!
I believe Simon (Gagné?) mistook Rumsfeld for Cheney with the comment 'As long as he does not pick up hunting as a hobby, the world should be safer
Tom, you're so appreciative, we appreciate it.
Blacks, women and muslims elected?! Oh brother!
Flu shots: think about it before injecting yourself with poison. Do you want to give 25$ to a pharmaceutical company to invade your temple? No you don't!
Kent, maybe someone loved your art so much they took it down to appreciate it. It is still reprehensible but it would not be inspired by sly tactics of winning the contest.
Now we know that Amarryllis is neither a shelled mammal nor an almond flavoured spirit nor a sexually transmitted disease but a flower!
I believe Simon (Gagné?) mistook Rumsfeld for Cheney with the comment 'As long as he does not pick up hunting as a hobby, the world should be safer
Tom, you're so appreciative, we appreciate it.
Blacks, women and muslims elected?! Oh brother!

Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Is New Zealand Corrupt?!?!!

Well, incase you can't see the beaming yellow sliver next to golden australia, I'll spare you the time of looking it up. New Zealand is #1, BUT only marginally less corrupt than Canada. The Unitited States? Columbia? you ask yourselves. Well, check it out: 2006 Transparency International
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Girls' Night!!!

Tuesday! Cafe Campus! Dancing! Fun! Yay!
I reckon we should go early because there are always line ups. between 8 and 9 perhaps? We should meet up before hand and storm the place as a gang
This'll be a great time, we haven't gone out dancing in an infinity! For those who don't know Cafe Campus, It's on the cobblestone bit of Prince-Arthur. East of St-Laurent just west of Coloniale. WOOHOO!